Collect custom artifacts

Forensic investigations differ and investigators have different approaches in forensic cases. The artifactcollector can cater to these needs by collecting a different set of artifacts related to the situation.

Collect a custom set of artifacts

  1. Clone the repository git clone
  2. Run go generate to download all artifacts.
  3. Add artifact definition yaml files as needed in pack/artifacts. Do not edit the artifact definitions, as they will be overwritten.
  4. Edit pack/ac.yaml and add the artifacts you want to collect.
  5. Run go generate. This might yield some errors or problems in your artifacts.
  6. On windows you can move the syso into the root folder (e.g. cp resources\artifactcollector.syso .) to enable the icon for the executable and the UAC popup.
  7. Run go build . to generates an executable.

Define artifacts

A structured way to define forensic artifacts was introduced by Google in development of the grr endpoint client: We use the forked as the main repository for forensic artifacts definitions, because the main project contains some issues.

The artifacts are yaml documents that define different types of forensic artifacts:

  • Paths
  • Directories
  • Files
  • Registry Keys and Values
  • WMI Queries
  • Command execution

Let’s have a look at an artifact definition for Windows Prefetch files. The artifact defines the location of the prefetch files on Windows.

name: WindowsPrefetchFiles
doc: Windows Prefetch files.
- type: FILE
    paths: ['%%environ_systemroot%%\Prefetch\*.pf']
    separator: '\'
labels: [System]
supported_os: [Windows]
urls: ['']

If added to the artifactcollector and included in the configuration file, the artifactcollector would collect all .pf files in %%environ_systemroot%%\Prefetch. The %%environ_systemroot%% variable is replaced by the artifactcollector using the WindowsEnvironmentVariableSystemRoot artifact definition. Creating artifacts like can be done on a case by case basis if needed.

The artifact definition format is described in detail in the Style Guide.

Embed binaries

Binaries can be added to pack/bin and than included into the artifactcollector in the go generate step. Additionally a corresponding COMMAND artifact like the following is required.

name: Autoruns
- type: COMMAND
    cmd: autorunsc.exe
    args: ["-x", "-accepteula"]
supported_os: [Windows]

Currently the output to stdout and stderr is saved, but generated files are not collected.